Is LAP-BAND® right for you?
Is your BMI over 30? Are you ready to make major changes to your eating habits and lifestyle? LAP-BAND® is an FDA approved, weight loss solution.
As the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved adjustable gastric band for use in weight reduction, the LAP-BAND® procedure can help transform the way you look and feel.
Key Benefits*:
- 65% of excess weight has been shown to be lost after 1 year
- Patients lose an average of 6 inches off the hips and waistline
- LAP-BAND® has been shown to improve or resolve several weight-related conditions

Our Lap Band center provides procedures performed by a top bariatric surgeon in the Orange County area. Dr. Naim is renowned for his experience, education, and commitment to helping patients. To learn more about what he offers at his center, contact our office today and schedule a free consultation.
What Happens at a Lap Band Center?
At a Lap Band center, you will learn all about the Lap Band surgery for weight loss. The Lap Band center is a place where you will go through the consultation with a physician. During the consultation, you will be asked many questions about your lifestyle and habits. You may be asked to keep a food diary to show your caloric intake. You may also meet with a nutritional counselor to learn about healthy eating and the amount of calories that your body would need in order to maintain a healthy weight. The Lap Band center’s physician, Dr. Naim, may also check your weight and height in order to calculate your body mass index. Your blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol will be checked. The doctor may also check you for other conditions such as arthritis, sleep apnea, and other obesity-related health issues.
Meeting the Lap Band Center’s Physician
Your physician at the Lap Band center. Dr. Naim, has your best interests in mind, and so does the entire medical team. Dr. Naim has undergone an extensive training and certification program in order to perform Lap Band surgery. This means that you are getting attentive and professional care during all of your visits at the Lap Band center. The physician will take the time to answer any questions that you have about the procedure and the amount of weight that you can expect to lose. If you have questions about how many Lap Band surgeries the doctor has performed, what technique the doctor will use to perform your surgery, and what your follow-up will entail, you can ask those during your consultation as well. If you have questions between your appointments, do not hesitate to contact the Lap Band center. The staff is always available to assist you.
Understanding How the Lap Band Procedure Works
The Lap Band procedure works by making a small pouch of your stomach that is separate from the rest of your stomach. The Lap Band is fully adjustable, which allows your doctor to make adjustments if you need additional calories due to a pregnancy or if you need fewer calories due to slow weight loss. No re-routing of your stomach or digestive system is needed with the Lap Band procedure, which means that your recovery time should be faster than with other types of weight loss procedures.
Most patients can have their Lap Band procedure done with a laparoscopic technique. In this method, the doctor makes several small incisions. This type of surgery allows your body to heal more quickly. Your recovery time in the hospital will also be shorter with a laparoscopic surgery. If you are not a candidate for the laparoscopic technique, you can still have the Lap Band surgery performed through a traditional technique. You may need to stay in the hospital a few days longer and will go home after about one week.
How Lap Band Center Services Help You to Lose Weight
Everyone at the Lap Band center is behind you with your weight loss goals. You will be provided with detailed information about your dietary needs after surgery. For the first few days, you will have intravenous fluids. After the intravenous line is removed, you will transition to drinking clear liquids. About one week after your procedure, you can begin to drink other liquids such as unsweetened juice and chicken or beef broth. By six weeks after surgery, you can start to eat soft foods. Three months after surgery, you may be eating a regular diet. The Lap Band center’s doctors will monitor your weight loss and make sure that your body is not malnourished. You may need to take some vitamin supplements to prevent vitamin deficiencies. The staff at the Lap Band center can also help you begin a physical activity routine. Adding exercise into your daily activities can facilitate your weight loss and strengthen your body.
You will receive instructions to follow after your surgery that are tailored to you. Depending on your exact procedure, current weight, and medical history, the steps that you need to take during the follow up process may be different from that of another patient. It is necessary that you follow these instructions carefully in order to see the best possible results and to avoid complications.
Affording the Lap Band System
The Lap Band center can help you to make your weight loss surgery as affordable as possible. If you have private health insurance, look into your coverage for weight loss surgery. Many health insurance companies will provide coverage for this potentially life-saving procedure. You may need to submit proof of your BMI and your other unsuccessful attempts at weight loss. The insurance company should also be made aware of any other conditions that you have that are worsened by being obese, such as diabetes or hypertension. If you are over the age of 65, your BMI is greater than 35, and you have a co-morbid condition, Medicare may provide coverage for your Lap Band procedure.
Care Credit is another option to finance your Lap Band surgery. With Care Credit, you apply for a line of credit that can only be used on medical and dental services. You can get the services as soon as your line of credit is approved. You will make payments according to your income. This type of payment flexibility can allow you to have your weight loss surgery and enjoy a better quality of life.
To learn more about our Lap Band center and to ask about this and other types of weight loss surgery options, contact our office today. We are happy to answer any questions you might have.